Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Beat Eye Floaters with This Supplement: The Truth Unveiled


On a cloudless day, if you gaze skyward, you may observe delicate cobweb-like structures drifting across your line of sight. Known as floaters or muscae volitantes in formal terms – derived from Latin for ‘flying flies’.

Similar to pesky regular flies, muscae volitantes can be bothersome, prompting individuals to seek ways to eliminate them. An article in the Mirror, titled “Eye floaters: What causes them and how to get rid of them naturally“, purportedly presents a potential solution.

Dr. Sarah Brewer, a general practitioner quoted in the article, suggests that a supplement called Clearer by Theia Bio might be an “effective natural solution” for addressing floaters. However, the actual content of the article does not delve into eliminating floaters as implied in the headline.

The Theia Bio website provides a more detailed explanation. It claims that “Clearer, containing a blend of antioxidants and antiglycation micronutrients, has been scientifically proven to reduce the size of eye floaters and alleviate visual discomfort in approximately 70% of test subjects over six months.”

Before considering the plausibility of a supplement for “addressing” or reducing floaters, it is essential to comprehend the nature and causes of floaters in the first place.

One of the primary causes of floaters is aging. As individuals age, the vitreous, a clear gel-like substance within the eye, begins to thicken and shrink. The vitreous primarily comprises water, collagens, and a substance called hyaluronan.

muscae volitantes, against a blue sky." width="250" height="250" class="wp-image-99068 size-full" loading="lazy"/>
A simulated depiction of floaters, or muscae volitantes, against a blue sky. (Acdx/Wikimedia Commons)

With advancing age, it is normal for the vitreous to detach from the back of the eye, known as posterior vitreous detachment, leading to an increase in floaters.

Could vitamin supplements potentially impact collagen clumps and improve the vitreous? Research conducted in Taiwan in 2022 suggested that consuming high-dose mixed fruit enzyme supplements may reduce floaters, although the methodology requires further elucidation for a conclusive assessment.

Theia Bio, in collaboration with Dr. Brewer, cites a study on its website, asserting the efficacy of the Clearer supplement in reducing floater size and discomfort. However, measuring floaters poses a challenge due to the mobile nature of the vitreous, impacting the accuracy of assessments.

While dietary supplements may offer potential benefits, traditional medical interventions such as vitrectomy or laser treatment remain viable options for severe cases of floaters. Lifestyle modifications, including a diet rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, may also contribute to overall eye health and potentially delay age-related changes affecting vision.


While the efficacy of supplements in resolving floaters remains uncertain, emphasizing a nutrient-rich diet and healthy habits can aid in maintaining optimal eye health and potentially delay the onset of age-related vision issues.

Kawa Wong of Theia Bio emphasizes that their products provide nutritional support rather than a definitive cure for floaters, aligning with current scientific evidence.

Written by Charlotte Codina, Lecturer in Orthoptics at the University of Sheffield

This article was originally published on The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

An earlier version of this article was published in July 2023.

Vocabulary List:

  1. Muscae volitantes /ˈmʌs.kiː vɒ.lɪˈtɑːn.tɛs/ (noun): A medical term referring to floaters in the vision derived from Latin for "flying flies."
  2. Vitreous /ˈvɪt.ri.əs/ (noun): A clear gel-like substance that fills the eye and helps maintain its shape.
  3. Antioxidants /ˌæn.tiˈɒk.sɪ.dənts/ (noun): Substances that prevent damage to cells caused by free radicals.
  4. Supplements /ˈsʌp.lɪ.mənts/ (noun): Products taken orally that contain dietary ingredients intended to enhance health.
  5. Efficacy /ˈɛf.ɪ.kə.si/ (noun): The ability to produce a desired or intended result.
  6. Detachment /dɪˈtætʃ.mənt/ (noun): The state of being detached or disconnected from something.

How much do you know?

What are floaters also known as in formal terms?
A. Flying Flies
B. Eye Strands
C. Muscae Volitantes
D. Sky Wanderers

What is one of the primary causes of floaters mentioned in the text?
A. Exposure to UV rays
B. Aging
C. Lack of sleep
D. Overhydration

What does the vitreous primarily comprise?
A. Water, lipids, and salts
B. Proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins
C. Water, collagens, and hyaluronan
D. Keratin, elastin, and fibrin

What did research conducted in Taiwan in 2022 suggest could reduce floaters?
A. High-dose vitamin C
B. Mixed fruit enzyme supplements
C. Iron supplements
D. Omega-3 fatty acids

Which traditional medical interventions are mentioned as viable options for severe cases of floaters?
A. Prescription eyeglasses
B. Vitrectomy and laser treatment
C. Contact lenses
D. Eye drops

What did Kawa Wong of Theia Bio emphasize about their products regarding floaters?
A. They provide a definitive cure for floaters
B. They are ineffective in addressing floaters
C. They offer nutritional support
D. They worsen the condition of floaters

Floaters are referred to as "flying flies" in Latin.

The Clearer supplement has been scientifically proven to eliminate floaters completely.

Dr. Sarah Brewer suggests a diet rich in omega-6 fatty acids for reducing floaters.

Individuals may observe floaters due to posterior vitreous detachment.

Lifestyle modifications can potentially delay age-related changes affecting vision.

The text mentions that a diet rich in antioxidants may worsen the condition of floaters.

Dr. Sarah Brewer suggests that a supplement called Clearer by Theia Bio might be an "effective natural solution" for addressing floaters in approximately % of test subjects over six months.

One of the primary causes of floaters is .

Research conducted in Taiwan in 2022 suggested consuming high-dose mixed fruit enzyme supplements may reduce floaters, although the methodology requires further for a conclusive assessment.

Theia Bio, in collaboration with Dr. Brewer, asserts the efficacy of the Clearer supplement in reducing floater size and discomfort, despite the challenge in measuring floaters due to the mobile nature of .

Traditional medical interventions such as vitrectomy or remain viable options for severe cases of floaters.

Kawa Wong of Theia Bio emphasizes that their products provide nutritional support rather than a definitive for floaters.

This question is required

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