Thursday, March 13, 2025

Decline in Global Smartwatch Sales: First Drop Ever


Global sales of smartwatches took a hit for the first time last year, with figures showing a decrease in shipments, mainly due to a drop in demand for Apple watches. Market research firm Counterpoint reported a 7% decline in smartwatch shipments in 2024 compared to the previous year, with Apple’s shipments dropping by 19%. This decrease was attributed to the lack of new features in Apple’s latest devices and the absence of a rumored high-end model.

In addition, Apple faced challenges in the US due to sales and import bans linked to a disputed patent on blood oxygen level monitoring. Despite these setbacks, Chinese smartwatch brands like Xiaomi, Huawei, and Imoo saw a surge in sales in 2024, particularly in China, where smartwatch sales surpassed India and North America for the first time.

Children’s smartwatches also gained popularity, with Imoo, known as “Little Genius” in China, specializing in this segment and experiencing a 22% increase in shipments. Xiaomi, on the other hand, saw a whopping 135% rise in shipments, thanks to its affordable Smart Band activity trackers.

Overall, the smartwatch market is expected to see a slight recovery in 2025, driven by the adoption of AI features and an increased focus on health data. The industry is evolving, with new trends and players shaping the market’s landscape.

Vocabulary List:

  1. Shipments /ˈʃɪp.mənts/ (noun): The act of sending goods to a destination or the goods sent.
  2. Decline /dɪˈklaɪn/ (verb): To become smaller fewer or less; to diminish.
  3. Demand /dɪˈmænd/ (noun): The desire for a product or service coupled with the ability to pay for it.
  4. Absence /ˈæb.səns/ (noun): The state of being away or not present.
  5. Surge /sɜːrdʒ/ (noun): A sudden powerful forward or upward movement.
  6. Adoption /əˈdɑːp.ʃən/ (noun): The action of taking up or starting to use something new.

How much do you know?

What was the main reason for the decrease in global smartwatch shipments in 2024?
Lack of new features in Apple watches
Rising popularity of Xiaomi smartwatches
Introduction of a high-end Apple model
Increase in demand for health data monitoring

Which smartwatch brand saw a decrease in shipments by 19% in 2024?

In which country did smartwatch sales surpass India and North America in 2024?
South Korea

What was Imoo known as in the context of children's smartwatches?
Smart Master
Gadget Guru
Little Genius
Mini Innovator

Which smartwatch brand saw a 135% rise in shipments in 2024?

What is expected to drive the slight recovery of the smartwatch market in 2025?
Decreased focus on health data
Introduction of new high-end models
Adoption of AI features
Rising demand for Apple watches

Chinese smartwatch brands like Xiaomi, Huawei, and Imoo saw a surge in sales in 2024.

Apple faced challenges in the US due to a disputed patent on heart rate monitoring.

The smartwatch market is not expected to see any recovery in 2025.

Imoo specializes in children's smartwatches and experienced a decrease in shipments in 2024.

Xiaomi saw a remarkable increase of 180% in smartwatch shipments in 2024.

New trends and players are not influencing the evolution of the smartwatch market.

Apple's shipments dropped by % in 2024.

Imoo saw a % increase in shipments, specializing in children's smartwatches.

Xiaomi experienced a % rise in shipments, attributed to its affordable Smart Band activity trackers.

The smartwatch market is expected to see a slight recovery in , driven by AI features.

Counterpoint reported a % decline in smartwatch shipments in 2024.

This question is required

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