Applause is certainly warranted for Lady Gaga, who delivered a stellar performance on “Hot Ones.”
The accomplished singer, known for her hit “Abracadabra,” graced the episode of the hot wing interview show last Thursday, bravely tackling the infamous “wings of death” while maintaining an air of composure, revealing her only weakness with a lighthearted giggle.
Remarkably, despite her self-proclaimed “fashion-impaired” status, Gaga managed to eat each wing with just one hand, the other arm encumbered by an elaborate outfit that could easily pass as an art installation, all while sporting her dazzling engagement ring without a drop of sauce in sight.
During the interview, she passionately discussed her love for music and recounted her early struggles in New York City, where she relentlessly pursued opportunities to perform.
“I reflect on that time with such fondness,” she confided to host Sean Evans, reminiscing about an early gig at the Slipper Room. “My entire day revolved around landing those gigs.”
Gaga even revealed that she would knock on club doors, pleading, “Can I please perform here?”
She humorously recounted how she pretended to be her own manager, claiming, “She’s so hot right now,” going so far as to adopt different accents for effect.
Reflecting on her journey, Lady Gaga acknowledged that it has not always been smooth sailing, revealing there were moments she contemplated giving up.
“I faced numerous tests, yet I refused to give up. Clearly, I still have the desire to continue,” she remarked.
All her efforts have truly borne fruit—Lady Gaga has released six chart-topping albums, performed in a Las Vegas residency, and even won an Oscar in 2019. She is now preparing to launch her seventh studio album, “Mayhem,” set to be released on March 7.
Vocabulary List:
- Accomplished /əˈkɑːmplɪʃt/ (adjective): Highly skilled and successful in a particular area.
- Infamous /ˈɪn.fə.məs/ (adjective): Well known for some bad quality or deed.
- Composure /kəmˈpoʊʒər/ (noun): The state of being calm and in control of oneself.
- Reflecting /rɪˈflɛktɪŋ/ (verb): Thinking deeply or carefully about something.
- Resilient /rɪˈzɪl.jənt/ (adjective): Able to recover quickly from difficulties; strong.
- Contemplated /ˈkɒn.təm.pleɪtɪd/ (verb): Thought deeply or considered carefully.