Using disposable plastic containers for takeaway food can be dangerous. They may leak harmful chemicals into your food. This can increase the risk of heart problems.
Scientists in China did tests on rats. They found that when rats drank water that touched heated plastic, their bodies changed. Their gut bacteria changed first.
After three months, the rats that had this water showed heart problems. They had broken fibers in their heart tissue and other damages.
We do not know if this happens in humans. However, researchers warn against using plastic containers for hot food.
In another study, older adults who had more exposure to plastic reported more heart issues.
When plastic is heated, it can break down and release tiny plastic pieces. Microwaving plastic containers can also release these harmful particles.
Studies have found plastic in the blood of people with heart problems. This may lead to serious health issues.
Next time you order takeaway, think about the type of container and the heat of your food.
Vocabulary List:
- Disposable /dɪsˈpoʊ.zə.bəl/ (adjective): Designed for use once and then thrown away.
- Leak /liːk/ (verb): To allow liquid or gas to escape from a container.
- Harmful /ˈhɑːrm.fəl/ (adjective): Causing or capable of causing harm.
- Exposure /ɪkˈspoʊ.ʒər/ (noun): The state of being exposed to contact with something.
- Microwaving /ˈmaɪ.kroʊ.weɪv.ɪŋ/ (verb): The process of cooking or heating food using a microwave.
- Chemicals /ˈkɛm.ɪ.kəlz/ (noun): Substances with a distinct molecular composition that are used in a chemical process.
How much do you know?
What risk can using disposable plastic containers for takeaway food pose?
Where did scientists conduct tests on rats related to the effects of plastic containers?
What changes were observed in the gut bacteria of rats that drank water touching heated plastic?
What significant health issue may arise in humans from the presence of plastic in the blood?
What happens when plastic is heated according to the text?
What is the warning given by researchers regarding plastic containers and hot food?
Plastic containers for takeaway food are completely safe to use.
Exposure to plastic has no impact on heart issues according to studies.
Plastic in the blood of individuals with heart problems has been linked to serious health issues.
Researchers are unsure about the possibility of adverse effects in humans from plastic in food containers.
Microwaving plastic containers does not release harmful particles.
The type of container and the heat of food are not important factors to consider for takeaway orders.
Scientists found that when rats drank water touching heated plastic, their bodies changed, and their gut bacteria changed first. After three months, the rats that had this water showed problems.
Researchers warn against using plastic containers for food.
Older adults who had more exposure to plastic reported more issues.
Studies have found plastic in the blood of people with problems.
Next time you order takeaway, think about the type of container and the of your food.
Plastic containers can break down and release tiny plastic pieces when they are .