At CES 2025, Dexcom unveiled its pioneering over-the-counter continuous glucose monitor (CGM), while Abbott demonstrated its well-regarded product from CES 2022, now widely available to consumers. For individuals grappling with diabetes and insulin-related conditions, such innovations could be revolutionary by rendering healthcare more accessible and affordable.
Beyond aiding those with diabetes, glucose monitoring appeals to many without the condition, who utilize it to refine dietary habits and enhance overall well-being. Both Abbott’s Lingo and Dexcom’s Stelo cater to a broad audience, offering unique benefits.
Dexcom’s Stelo tracks glucose levels around the clock, designed not only for wellness enthusiasts but also for empowering individuals with Type 2 diabetes not on insulin, as well as prediabetics over 18 years old. The sensor, comprising a “small, flexible wire,” is seamlessly inserted under the skin by an applicator and reports glucose levels continuously, connecting to a mobile app on either iPhone or Android, which has a user-friendly interface. Previously heftily priced and insurance-dependent, Dexcom’s recent offering marks a step toward affordability, available at $90 monthly or $100 for a one-time purchase, with potential FSA or HSA eligibility.
Similarly, Abbott’s Lingo keeps tabs on one’s health over a 14-day cycle, appealing to an adult demographic and designed for non-insulin users. It leverages glucose data to offer personalized recommendations, serving as a lifestyle coach and offering insights into diet, stress, and exercise. Inserting Lingo into the arm involves a thin, flexible filament, and users report the process as virtually painless. However, its app only supports iOS.
Both Lingo and Stelo earned accolades as Digital Health Honorees at CES 2025, underscoring their significant impact on the field.
Vocabulary List:
- Pioneering /ˈpaɪəˌnɪərɪŋ/ (adjective): Involving new ideas or methods; innovative.
- Revolutionary /ˌrɛvəˈluːʃənəri/ (adjective): Involving or constituting a complete or dramatic change.
- Accessibility /əkˌsɛsɪˈbɪlɪti/ (noun): The quality of being able to be reached or entered.
- Recommendations /ˌrɛkəmenˈdeɪʃənz/ (noun): Suggestions or proposals for the best course of action.
- Empowering /ɛmˈpaʊərɪŋ/ (verb): Giving someone the authority or power to do something.
- Acclaimed /əˈkleɪmd/ (adjective): Publicly praised or celebrated.