Lynn Ban, a jewelry designer and star of the Netflix show “Bling Empire: New York,” passed away at the age of 52 after a skiing accident and subsequent brain surgery. Her son, Sebastian, shared the news on her Instagram account, describing Lynn as his best friend, a loving mother, and someone who cared deeply for others.
Following a skiing mishap in Aspen, Lynn underwent emergency surgery for a brain bleed. Despite initial assessments clearing her for a concussion, she was rushed to a trauma hospital for treatment. Through it all, her husband, Jett Kain, remained by her side.
Known for her brand, Lynn Ban Jewelry, she adorned celebrities like Rihanna and Beyoncé with her designs. Her appearance on “Bling Empire: New York” showcased her glamorous yet down-to-earth personality to viewers.
Sebastian fondly recalls his mother’s strength and sense of humor during her recovery, promising to honor her legacy and ensure she is never forgotten. He closes with a heartfelt message: “I will miss you forever, and as you always told me, ‘I love you more than life itself,’ Mom.”
This article corrects an earlier mistake in reporting Lynn Ban’s age as 51.
Vocabulary List:
- Mishap /ˈmɪshæp/ (noun): An unfortunate accident or incident.
- Adorned /əˈdɔːrnd/ (verb): To decorate or add beauty to something.
- Emergency /ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsi/ (noun): A serious unexpected and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.
- Legacy /ˈlɛɡəsi/ (noun): Something handed down by a predecessor or from the past.
- Heartfelt /ˈhɑːrtˌfɛlt/ (adjective): Expressing sincere and deep feelings.
- Trajectory /trəˈdʒɛktəri/ (noun): The path followed by a projectile flying or an object moving under the action of given forces.