Friday, March 7, 2025

Boost Energy: 2 Proven Ways to Combat Workplace Fatigue!


Many professionals often struggle with the feeling that there simply aren’t enough hours in the working day, leading to fatigue. However, a recent study conducted by researchers at Wake Forest University, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), and Northeastern University in the US has revealed two effective strategies for combatting this issue: taking regular microbreaks and seeking support from a supervisor.

The researchers found that incorporating these two measures not only reduced end-of-day fatigue but also improved subsequent sleep quality and next-day energy levels. Interestingly, the combination of microbreaks and supervisor support proved to be the most powerful in combating tiredness.

The study involved surveying 44 accountants about their work habits and conducting a controlled experiment on fatigue and microbreaks with 179 participants. Both microbreaks and supervisor support were shown to significantly alleviate fatigue, particularly during high-stress periods such as busy seasons.

In addition to reducing fatigue, microbreaks were also found to enhance accuracy during audits, which typically suffer under pressure. The researchers emphasized the importance of firms implementing strategies to enhance employee well-being and audit quality, ultimately creating a more sustainable and productive work environment.

Effective microbreaks can be as brief as a minute and could involve activities like reading a short article, grabbing a coffee, or doing some quick stretches. Supervisor support may entail checking in with employees, offering assistance, and expressing appreciation for their efforts.

While many workers may have limited control over their managers’ actions, they can take charge of their fatigue levels by incorporating brief moments of downtime into their workload. By following these strategies, professionals can better manage their well-being and productivity in demanding work environments.

The findings of this research have been detailed in the publication Contemporary Accounting Research.

Vocabulary List:

  1. Fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/ (noun): Extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion.
  2. Microbreaks /ˈmaɪ.kroʊ.breɪks/ (noun): Short breaks taken at intervals to reduce fatigue and increase focus.
  3. Subsequent /ˈsʌb.sɪ.kwənt/ (adjective): Occurring or coming later or after something else.
  4. Alleviate /əˈliː.vi.eɪt/ (verb): To make suffering deficiency or a problem less severe.
  5. Emphasize /ˈem.fə.saɪz/ (verb): To give special importance or prominence to something in speaking or writing.
  6. Sustainable /səˈsteɪ.nə.bəl/ (adjective): Able to be maintained at a certain rate or level particularly regarding environmental impact.

How much do you know?

What were the two effective strategies for combating fatigue according to the study?
Regular exercise and caffeine intake
Microbreaks and supervisor support
Sleeping longer hours and avoiding stressful tasks
Skipping meals and working longer hours

How many accountants were surveyed about their work habits in the study?

What was the primary outcome of incorporating microbreaks and supervisor support as per the study?
Decreased productivity
Improved sleep quality
Decreased energy levels
Increase in stress levels

What type of activities can effective microbreaks involve?
Running a marathon
Watching a movie
Reading a short article
Playing video games

How many participants were involved in the controlled experiment on fatigue and microbreaks?

What did the researchers emphasize on in relation to employee well-being and audit quality?
Increasing working hours
Implementing strategies to enhance them
Limiting breaks
Ignoring feedback

Microbreaks did not have any impact on reducing fatigue according to the study.

Supervisor support was found to be more effective in combating tiredness than microbreaks alone.

The study involved 200 participants in total.

Effective microbreaks can involve activities like grabbing a coffee.

The research findings were published in the Journal of Medicine.

Microbreaks were only effective during low-stress periods according to the study.

The researchers conducted a controlled experiment on fatigue and microbreaks with participants.

Microbreaks were found to enhance accuracy during.

Effective microbreaks can be as brief as and involve activities like reading a short article.

Supervisor support may entail checking in with employees, offering assistance, and expressing appreciation for their.

By following these strategies, professionals can better manage their well-being and productivity in demanding .

The findings of this research were published in the publication .

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