Netflix has a new show called “With Love, Meghan”. It’s about Meghan Markle’s life. Meghan was a normal woman before she married a prince. She then faced a lot of hard times. Many people were mean to her because she was part of the royal family and because of her race. These troubles made Harry and Meghan leave the royal family. This was a brave thing for them to do.
“With Love, Meghan” is a very strange show. It is like going on a trip to a pretend world. In the show, Meghan decorates a cake with her makeup artist. The things she does in the show are very normal but they are also crazy. They don’t show the special parts of her life, but they also don’t show her normal life.
The show is about Meghan inviting friends to her home and cooking for them. She also tells people how to be a good host. But, the show is weird and does not feel real. Meghan does simple things, like carrying things around the kitchen.
“With Love, Meghan” is a show about Meghan’s life. But it does not show the real Meghan or her family. It feels like Meghan pretends to be someone else in the show. But, sometimes, it feels like real. The show tries to show that Meghan is a normal person, but it is not very good at showing that. That is sad.
In the end, “With Love, Meghan” is not a usual show. It feels fake and sad. It is like Meghan is trying too hard to be liked by people. And she doesn’t want to tell people about her real life. This makes the show strange.
Vocabulary List:
- Brave /breɪv/ (adjective): Showing courage or determination in facing difficulties.
- Normal /ˈnɔːr.məl/ (adjective): Conforming to the standard or expected.
- Weird /wɪrd/ (adjective): Strange or unusual; not familiar.
- Pretend /prɪˈtɛnd/ (verb): To act as if something is true when it is not.
- Host /hoʊst/ (noun): One who receives or entertains guests.
- Sad /sæd/ (adjective): Feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy.