A man who died in a volcanic eruption nearly 2,000 years ago had his brain turned into glass. This rare event happened in Herculaneum in 79 CE. Scientists studied his remains and found evidence of human brain remains transformed into organic glass at high temperatures. This has never been seen before. They used different techniques like scanning electron microscopy to study the glass samples. The brain had to be heated to at least 510 degrees Celsius and then cooled quickly. This happened when a super-heated ash cloud spread out from the volcano and caught the man. The ash cloud reached temperatures higher than 510 degrees, vitrifying his brain without destroying it completely. This unique event has left evidence buried under the ash in Herculaneum. The researchers published their findings in Scientific Reports.
Vocabulary List:
- Eruption /ɪˈrʌp.ʃən/ (noun): The act of erupting or bursting forth especially of a volcano.
- Vitrifying /ˈvɪt.rɪ.faɪ.ɪŋ/ (verb): The process of turning into glass or a glass-like substance.
- Organic /ɔːrˈɡæn.ɪk/ (adjective): Relating to or derived from living matter.
- Microscopy /maɪˈkrɒs.kə.pi/ (noun): The use of a microscope to view small objects.
- Evident /ˈɛvɪdənt/ (adjective): Clear to the sight or mind; obvious.
- Transform /trænsˈfɔːrm/ (verb): To change in form appearance or structure.
How much do you know?
Where did the rare event of turning a man's brain into glass occur nearly 2,000 years ago?
What temperature did the brain have to be heated to in order to turn into glass?
Which scientific technique was used to study the glass samples of the brain?
In what year did the volcanic eruption that caused this unique event occur?
Where did the researchers publish their findings about the glass-brain?
What caused the brain to turn into glass?
Scientists found evidence of human brain remains transformed into glass at low temperatures.
The man who had his brain turned into glass was caught in a super-heated ash cloud.
The volcanic eruption that caused this event happened in Pompeii.
The brain was completely destroyed during the vitrification process.
This unique event happened in 79 BCE.
The brain turning into glass is a common occurrence in volcanic eruptions.
The brain had to be heated to at least degrees Celsius to turn into glass.
The volcanic eruption that caused this event occurred in the year .
The researchers used scanning electron microscopy to study the brain turned into glass at temperatures.
The researchers published their findings in the journal .
The ash cloud that vitrified the man's brain reached temperatures higher than degrees.
The unique event of brain vitrification occurred in the ancient city of .