On June 16, 2023, I had my first DEXA scan. I was 57 years old. Three hours later, a car hit mine, and I broke my wrist.
A DEXA scan is a test that checks bone density. It measures the amount of calcium in bones. The CDC suggests women over 65 get these scans. However, Joanna Strober, a health expert, advised me to get one sooner. Many women in their 50s have bones that are very weak.
A week after my accident, I learned I had osteoporosis. This means my bones are weak and break easily. I thought my broken wrist was my biggest problem. But osteoporosis put me at greater risk for injury.
Fifteen months later, it still hurts to lift things. Osteoporosis happens when the body loses bone faster than it can make new bone. It mostly affects older women. Doing exercises, eating well, and getting enough vitamin D can help. I am trying these methods. I am now searching for more ways to strengthen my bones. I want to stay active and healthy.
Vocabulary List:
- Osteoporosis /ˌɑː.sti.oʊ.pəˈroʊ.sɪs/ (noun): A medical condition in which bones become weak and brittle.
- Density /ˈdɛn.sɪ.ti/ (noun): The degree of compactness of a substance especially in relation to bone.
- Calcium /ˈkæl.si.əm/ (noun): A chemical element essential for bone health and the functioning of various bodily processes.
- Injury /ˈɪn.dʒər.i/ (noun): Damage to the body resulting from an accident or a medical condition.
- Strengthen /ˈstrɛŋ.θən/ (verb): To make something stronger or more powerful.
- Suggest /səˈdʒɛst/ (verb): To put forward an idea or plan for consideration.
How much do you know?
What is the purpose of a DEXA scan?
Who typically receives a recommendation for a DEXA scan from the CDC?
What is osteoporosis?
How can osteoporosis be managed?
Who is most commonly affected by osteoporosis?
What nutrient is essential for bone health?
Joanna Strober suggested getting a DEXA scan before the age of 65.
Osteoporosis occurs when the body makes new bone faster than it loses bone.
Osteoporosis primarily affects younger adults.
Lack of exercise can contribute to the development of osteoporosis.
Calcium intake does not play a role in bone health.
Women in their 50s do not typically have weak bones.
Osteoporosis puts individuals at a greater risk for injury because their bones are weak and break .
The CDC recommends DEXA scans for women over the age of .
Osteoporosis occurs when the body loses bone faster than it can make new bone, affecting primarily .
Engaging in weight-bearing exercises, eating well, and getting enough can help manage osteoporosis.
Joanna Strober, a health expert, advised getting a DEXA scan earlier than the CDC recommendation for women over .
Osteoporosis is a condition that requires individuals to actively work on strengthening their to prevent further complications.