Sunday, February 16, 2025

Roblox Introduces Enhanced Safety Features for Young Users


Roblox, a popular online gaming platform with around 70 million daily users worldwide, is implementing new safety measures for children under 13. The platform allows users to create and play games, with a large number of younger players among its user base. However, concerns have been raised about children being exposed to inappropriate content.

Starting from December 3rd, game creators will need to indicate if their games are suitable for under-13s. Games that do not comply will be blocked for players aged 12 and under. Additionally, from November 18th, children under 13 will no longer have access to “social hangouts” where they can chat with others using text and voice.

Roblox is also restricting the use of “free-form 2D user creation” to prevent the sharing of offensive or harmful content. The platform emphasizes the importance of creating a safe environment for users of all ages.

Roblox’s initiative comes after criticism and concerns raised by users and regulators. The company has pledged to continue enhancing its safety protocols and policies to protect its users. While the changes will be announced soon, full enforcement will not begin until 2025.

Vocabulary List:

  1. Implementing /ˈɪmplɪˌmɛntɪŋ/ (verb): Putting a plan or decision into effect.
  2. Exposure /ɪkˈspoʊʒər/ (noun): The state of being exposed to something harmful or unsafe.
  3. Compliance /kəmˈplaɪ.əns/ (noun): The act of conforming to or following rules and regulations.
  4. Restricting /rɪˈstrɪktɪŋ/ (verb): Limiting the extent or access to something.
  5. Initiative /ɪˈnɪʃ.ə.tɪv/ (noun): A new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem.
  6. Protocols /ˈprəʊ.tə.kɔːlz/ (noun): Official procedure or system of rules.

How much do you know?

How many daily users does Roblox have worldwide?
50 million
70 million
90 million
100 million

When will game creators need to indicate if their games are suitable for under-13s?
December 1st
December 2nd
December 3rd
December 4th

What feature will children under 13 no longer have access to from November 18th?
In-game purchases
Social hangouts
Friend requests
Profile customization

What is Roblox restricting to prevent sharing of offensive content?
In-app purchases
User accounts
2D user creation
Voice chat

When is full enforcement of the safety measures scheduled to begin?

What is the main focus of Roblox's safety measures?
Enhancing graphics
Promoting in-game purchases
Creating a safe environment
Increasing game difficulty

Roblox is introducing safety measures for children under 13.

Children under 13 will still have access to social hangouts after November 18th.

Game creators will not face consequences for not complying with the under-13 suitability requirement.

Roblox aims to prioritize user safety with its new initiatives.

The concerns raised by users and regulators did not influence Roblox's decision to implement safety measures.

Roblox users of all ages are expected to benefit from the upcoming safety protocols.

Roblox is implementing new safety measures for children under 13 starting from .

Children under 13 will no longer have access to social hangouts from November .

Roblox will restrict the use of "free-form 2D user creation" to prevent the sharing of offensive content on the platform until .

Full enforcement of the safety measures will not begin until .

Roblox's focus is on creating a safe environment for users of all ages to ensure a positive gaming experience until .

Roblox has pledged to continue enhancing its safety protocols and policies to protect its users until .

This question is required

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