Australia’s internet regulator said a company, referred to as X, didn’t take down a video of a stabbing in Sydney even though they were asked to. The person who watched this video went on to murder three young girls. The eSafety agency in Australia expressed sadness about this. Other big tech companies removed the video when asked, but X, which is owned by Elon Musk, only blocked it in Australia. This allowed the murderer to still watch it before he carried out his deadly attack. The killer, who is now 18 years old, has been given a minimum sentence of 52 years for his crimes.
Police found many devices in the killer’s home in Lancashire and are trying to uncover what he looked at online. The only thing left in his internet history was a search for the stabbing of a bishop in Sydney. The attack, which happened during a church service, caused turmoil in the city. After this incident, eSafety worked with other tech companies to remove the video. Some companies cooperated, but X chose not to fully take down the video, causing controversy.
Vocabulary List:
- Regulator /ˈrɛɡ.jʊ.leɪ.tər/ (noun): An authority or agency responsible for overseeing and enforcing regulations.
- Controversy /ˈkɒn.trə.vɜː.si/ (noun): Disagreement often heated regarding a particular issue or topic.
- Turmoil /ˈtɜːr.mɔɪl/ (noun): A state of great disturbance confusion or uncertainty.
- Cooperated /kəˈɔː.pə.reɪ.tɪd/ (verb): Worked together towards a common goal.
- Expressed /ɪkˈsprɛst/ (verb): Conveyed a thought or feeling in words or gestures.
- Minimum /ˈmɪn.ɪ.məm/ (adjective): The least or smallest amount or quantity possible or allowable.