Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Unfixed Methane Leaks: COP29 Satellites Uncover ‘Super-Emitters’


A Closer Look at Methane Emissions

New technologies are helping to identify methane emissions, a significant contributor to global warming. Despite advances in detection methods, a recent report highlighted that when notified of large methane leaks, “super-emitters” often fail to take action promptly.

Manfredi Caltagirone, from the United Nations Environment Programme, emphasized the need for greater transparency and urgency in addressing methane emissions. Satellite data is now being used to alert emitters of leaks from various sources, including oil and gas infrastructure.

Methane ranks second after carbon dioxide in the list of greenhouse gases to tackle. Progress has been made in reducing methane emissions, with many countries committing to uphold their promises. However, the response rate to alerts about methane leaks remains low.

While the new alert system has issued numerous notifications, only a small percentage of emitters have taken corrective measures. Challenges such as technical and financial constraints, along with identifying ownership of leak sources, hinder swift action.

Efforts to address methane emissions are a key discussion point at the ongoing COP29 summit, with countries announcing initiatives to curb these emissions further.

Vocabulary List:

  1. Emissions /ɪˈmɪʃənz/ (noun): The act of releasing something especially gas or radiation into the atmosphere.
  2. Significant /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ (adjective): Important and deserving of attention.
  3. Transparency /trænsˈpærənsi/ (noun): The quality of being open and honest; clear and easy to understand.
  4. Urgency /ˈɜːrdʒənsi/ (noun): The quality or state of being urgent; requiring immediate action or attention.
  5. Corrective /kəˈrɛktɪv/ (adjective): Intended to correct or improve something.
  6. Initiatives /ɪˈnɪʃətɪvz/ (noun): A new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem.

How much do you know?

Which greenhouse gas is ranked second after carbon dioxide in the list of gases to tackle?
Nitrous oxide
Carbon monoxide
Sulfur dioxide

What new technology is being used to alert emitters of methane leaks?
Satellite data
Underwater sensors
Thermal imaging cameras
Acoustic detectors

Who emphasized the need for greater transparency and urgency in addressing methane emissions?
Manfredi Caltagirone
Greta Thunberg
Elon Musk
Jeff Bezos

What hinder swift action in addressing methane emissions?
Technical and financial constraints
Lack of awareness
Government regulations
Public indifference

What is a key discussion point at the ongoing COP29 summit?
Efforts to address methane emissions
Renewable energy sources
Biodiversity conservation
Plastic pollution

What is a significant contributor to global warming?
Methane emissions
Volcanic eruptions
Ozone depletion

Methane emissions have surpassed carbon dioxide emissions in recent years.

The response rate to alerts about methane leaks is high.

Ownership of leak sources is easily identified.

Super-emitters promptly take action upon notification of large methane leaks.

Countries are not announcing any initiatives to curb methane emissions at the COP29 summit.

Satellite data is not used to alert emitters of leaks from oil and gas infrastructure.

is a significant contributor to global warming.

Efforts to address methane emissions are a key discussion point at the ongoing summit.

Challenges such as hinder swift action in addressing methane emissions.

Only a small percentage of emitters have taken measures.

rank second after carbon dioxide in the list of greenhouse gases to tackle.

Satellite data is now being used to alert emitters of leaks from various sources, including infrastructure.

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