Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Unraveling the Mystery: Where Are All the Triplets?


In the US, the number of triplet births has changed a lot over the years. It went up a lot in the 1980s. Then, between 1998 and 2023, the number of triplet and higher-order births dropped by almost 65 percent.

Quadruplet and higher-order births fell even more, by about 80 percent. This decline is a good thing because multiple births can be risky for mothers and babies.

Many factors caused this change. Better fertility treatments now help couples have babies safely. Also, people are having children at older ages.

In the past, doctors often transferred many embryos to increase the chance of pregnancy. Now, they usually transfer only one or two embryos. This helps keep mothers and babies healthier.

Experts say that fewer multiple births are a result of new recommendations and better medical practices. As of 2020, over 80 percent of embryo transfers in the US involved just one embryo.

The CDC has a report about this topic, which you can read here.

Vocabulary List:

  1. Triplet /ˈtrɪp.lɪt/ (noun): One of three offspring born at the same birth.
  2. Quadruplet /kwɒdˈruː.plɪt/ (noun): One of four offspring born at the same birth.
  3. Decline /dɪˈklaɪn/ (verb): To decrease or diminish in quantity or quality.
  4. Embryo /ˈɛm.bri.oʊ/ (noun): An early stage of development for a fertilized egg before it becomes a fetus.
  5. Recommendations /ˌrɛk.ə.menˈdeɪ.ʃənz/ (noun): Suggestions or proposals for the best course of action.
  6. Fertility /fərˈtɪl.ɪ.ti/ (noun): The ability to conceive and bear children.

How much do you know?

What was the trend in the number of triplet births in the US during the 1980s?
Steady increase
Dramatic rise
Sharp decline
Fluctuating pattern

By how much did the number of triplet and higher-order births drop between 1998 and 2023?

What is one of the reasons cited for the decline in multiple births?
Decreased awareness
Improper medical practices
Better fertility treatments
Decreased desire for children

What percentage of embryo transfers in the US involved just one embryo as of 2020?

What is a common medical practice now regarding the number of embryos transferred?
Many embryos
Only one or two embryos
No embryos
At least five embryos

Why is the decline in multiple births considered positive?
It increases birth rates
It is cost-effective
It reduces risks for mothers and babies
It leads to larger families

Multiple births can be risky for mothers and babies.

Doctors used to transfer only one or two embryos in the past.

The decrease in multiple births is solely due to declining fertility rates.

In 2020, majority of embryo transfers in the US involved more than one embryo.

The CDC has not conducted any research or reports on the topic of multiple births.

People are generally having children at younger ages now compared to the past.

Between 1998 and 2023, the number of triplet and higher-order births dropped by almost percent.

As of 2020, over percent of embryo transfers in the US involved just one embryo.

Doctors now typically transfer only embryos to increase pregnancy chances.

Better fertility treatments have helped couples have babies .

Experts attribute the decline in multiple births to new recommendations and improved .

While the decline in multiple births is positive, it can also be attributed to people having children at ages.

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