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Encompassing an extensive marketing initiative, buoyed by a remarkable array of brand collaborations,
Wicked Part One has achieved unprecedented box office success. With Part Two scheduled for a November 2025 premiere,
the fervor surrounding Wicked shows no signs of abatement.
While the definitive streaming release date for the Tony Award-winning cinematic adaptation of the Broadway musical remains undetermined,
we present a comprehensive overview regarding its home viewing opportunities. This includes pre-order options for the film
on Blu-ray and digital platforms, alongside access to exclusive behind-the-scenes content featuring director Jon M. Chu.
When to Stream Wicked Online
Typically, newly released films find their way onto streaming services within a window of 60 to 90 days
post-theatrical release, albeit occasionally extending to 120 days. Given that Wicked debuted in theaters on November 22,
we anticipate its streaming debut could occur in February or March 2025. The Hollywood Reporter shall
duly update this article once an official streaming date is publicized.
Where to Stream Wicked Online
Produced by Universal Pictures, Wicked is expected to initially grace the Peacock platform,
the premier streaming service under the NBCUniversal umbrella.
Wicked Blu-Ray and Digital Code
The film’s 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray edition is currently available for pre-order at major online retailers such
as Walmart, Amazon, and Target. Buyers will receive a digital code, facilitating the download of the digital version for their chosen devices
upon its release.
How to Watch Wicked Behind-the-Scenes Footage
In anticipation of the film’s streaming launch, Peacock has unveiled Wicked: On Set With Jon Chu,
a compelling insight into the film’s production and a guided tour of its sets, presented by the director himself.
This content is currently accessible on Peacock.
For those not subscribed to Peacock, the service offers an ad-free Premium package at $7.99 monthly (or $79.99 annually),
while an ad-supported option is available for $13.99 monthly (or $139.99 annually).
THR will continue to provide updates as more distribution information becomes available.
This adaptation enhances the sophistication and clarity of the original text, employing a wider range of vocabulary and complex sentence structures suitable for CEFR C2 level learners.
Vocabulary List:
- Encompassing /ɪnˈkʌm.pə.sɪŋ/ (verb): Including or covering something completely.
- Unprecedented /ʌnˈprɛs.ɪ.dɛn.tɪd/ (adjective): Never done or known before; without precedent.
- Anticipation /ænˌtɪs.ɪˈpeɪ.ʃən/ (noun): The act of looking forward to something; expectation.
- Facilitating /fəˈsɪl.ɪ.teɪ.tɪŋ/ (verb): Making an action or process easier or more achievable.
- Unequivocally /ˌʌnɪˈkwɪvəkli/ (adverb): In a way that leaves no doubt; clearly and without ambiguity.
- Overview /ˈoʊ.vər.vjuː/ (noun): A general summary or survey of something.
How much do you know?
Where is the premiere of <em>Wicked</em> Part Two scheduled to take place?
Which streaming service is <em>Wicked</em> expected to debut on?
What type of edition of <em>Wicked</em> is available for pre-order?
Where can buyers pre-order the film <em>Wicked</em>?
Which package offers an ad-free option on Peacock?
Who presents the behind-the-scenes content for <em>Wicked</em>?
The streaming release date for <em>Wicked</em> has been officially announced.
Peacock is owned by Universal Pictures.
<em>THR</em> will continue to update on distribution information.
The digital code for <em>Wicked</em> allows for downloading on any device.
Peacock offers two subscription options: ad-free and ad-supported.
The behind-the-scenes content for <em>Wicked</em> is only available on Blu-ray.
The streaming debut of <em>Wicked</em> is anticipated to occur in February or March .
Buyers will receive a digital code for <em>Wicked</em> to download the digital version on their chosen devices upon release.
Peacock offers an ad-free Premium package at $ monthly.
<em>Wicked: On Set With Jon Chu</em> provides insight into the film's production and a tour of its .
The streaming service Peacock is under the umbrella of .
The film <em>Wicked</em> was released in theaters on 22.