The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has introduced a new feature for Americans to check the local levels of viruses such as COVID-19 and flu in their area for 2024. This year’s “community snapshot” aims to consolidate CDC data in one place to help individuals determine when to take necessary precautions like masking or testing as we head into the fall and winter seasons.
The centerpiece of this new initiative is a weekly metric called “acute respiratory illness.” This metric, which ranges from “minimal” to “very high,” combines data on infections from COVID-19, influenza, and other airborne diseases such as whooping cough or pneumonia. The CDC, led by Captain Matthew Ritchey, collaborates with experts weekly to analyze hospital data, wastewater sampling, and testing laboratory results to determine the risk level in each state or county.
Looking ahead, the CDC plans to incorporate nationwide hospitalization data, starting in November, for COVID-19, influenza, and RSV. Additionally, the agency is working on expanding the snapshot to include information on other respiratory illnesses beyond the big three. Ritchey emphasizes the importance of public feedback in refining and enhancing the snapshot to better serve both health practitioners and the general public.
Vocabulary List:
- Consolidate /kənˈsɒlɪdeɪt/ (verb): To combine a number of things into a single more effective or coherent whole.
- Precautions /prɪˈkɔːʃənz/ (noun): Measures taken in advance to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant from happening.
- Metric /ˈmɛtrɪk/ (noun): A standard of measurement.
- Infections /ɪnˈfɛkʃənz/ (noun): The process of infecting or the state of being infected.
- Collaborates /kəˈlæbəˌreɪts/ (verb): Work jointly on an activity or project.
- Importance /ɪmˈpɔːrtəns/ (noun): The state or fact of being of great significance or value.
How much do you know?
What is the main purpose of the CDC's "community snapshot" feature introduced for Americans in 2024?
What is the name of the weekly metric introduced by the CDC as part of the "community snapshot"?
Who leads the CDC in analyzing data and determining risk levels in each state or county for the "community snapshot"?
What type of data will the CDC incorporate for COVID-19, influenza, and RSV starting in November?
What is one of the diseases included in the data considered for the weekly metric "acute respiratory illness"?
What aspect of the "community snapshot" does Captain Matthew Ritchey emphasize the importance of refining and enhancing through public feedback?
Captain Matthew Ritchey is the leader of the CDC.
The CDC plans to expand the "community snapshot" to include information on other respiratory illnesses besides the big three.
The "acute respiratory illness" metric in the "community snapshot" ranges from "very low" to "extremely high."
The CDC started incorporating nationwide hospitalization data for COVID-19 and influenza in October.
Experts collaborate with the CDC weekly to analyze hospital data and determine risk levels for each state or county.
The "community snapshot" feature aims to help individuals determine when to take necessary actions like masking or testing during spring and summer seasons.
The CDC plans to incorporate nationwide hospitalization data for COVID-19, influenza, and RSV beginning in .
Captain Matthew Ritchey collaborates with experts weekly to analyze hospital data, , and testing laboratory results.
The metric "acute respiratory illness" in the "community snapshot" ranges from "minimal" to "."
The "acute respiratory illness" metric combines data on infections from COVID-19, influenza, and other airborne diseases like .
The CDC emphasizes the importance of capturing public feedback to refine and enhance the "community snapshot" for both health practitioners and the general .
Ritchey intends to expand the snapshot to include information on other beyond the big three.