A group of famous scientists say the world is in big trouble because of climate change. They warn that Earth is facing a global emergency. The report is led by William Ripple from Oregon State University. Other well-known experts like Michael Mann and Naomi Oreskes also helped write it. They looked at many signs of the changing climate.
The report says that many things are getting worse. Greenhouse gas levels are high, and forests are disappearing. The number of people and animals on Earth is increasing. All of this is causing more heat, rising sea levels, and more extreme weather. But there is some good news too.
More people are using solar and wind energy. Some are also stopping investments in fossil fuels. However, the scientists believe we need to do much more to prevent serious damage to our planet.
This report is a strong warning about the urgent need to take action before it’s too late.
Vocabulary List:
- Emergency /ɪˈmɜːr.dʒən.si/ (noun): A serious unexpected and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.
- Greenhouse /ˈɡriːn.haʊs/ (noun): A building made of glass that is used for growing plants by trapping heat from the sun.
- Rising /ˈraɪ.zɪŋ/ (adjective): Increasing in level or position; moving upward.
- Extreme /ɪkˈstriːm/ (adjective): Very large in amount or degree; going beyond what is usual or expected.
- Fossil Fuels /ˈfɑːs.əl ˈfjuː.əl/ (noun): Natural substances such as coal oil and natural gas formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals.
- Prevent /prɪˈvent/ (verb): To stop something from happening or arising.
How much do you know?
Who led the climate report mentioned in the text?
What are some of the consequences mentioned in the climate report?
What positive developments are highlighted in the climate report?
Which university is William Ripple associated with?
What do the scientists believe needs to be done to prevent serious damage to the planet?
Who are some of the well-known experts mentioned in the report?
The report led by William Ripple warns of a global emergency.
Investments in fossil fuels are no longer a concern according to the report.
The number of people and animals on Earth is decreasing according to the report.
The scientists believe that current actions are sufficient to prevent serious damage to the planet.
More people are using solar and wind energy according to the report.
The climate report emphasizes the need for urgent action.
The group of famous scientists warn that Earth is facing a global emergency due to change.
According to the report, greenhouse gas levels are .
The scientists believe more needs to be done to prevent serious to our planet.
The report is a strong about the urgent need to take action before it's too late.
The number of people and animals on Earth is .
More people are using and wind energy according to the report.