Tuesday, February 11, 2025

How 10 Minutes of Impact Created Moon’s ‘Grand Canyons’


The awe-inspiring Grand Canyon of Arizona is a testament to the relentless forces of nature; its immense chasm represents the gradual but profound erosion wrought by the Colorado River over the span of millions of years. Yet, Earth is not unique in hosting such monumental geological features. The Moon, our celestial neighbor, possesses comparable formations, encapsulating structures analogous to the Grand Canyon. However, the lack of liquid water on the lunar surface has complicated the understanding of their genesis.

Recent advancements in scientific inquiry suggest that the formation mechanisms of these lunar canyons have been elucidated. Two colossal canyons, Vallis Schrödinger and Vallis Planck, are postulated to have emerged from the chaos following a cataclysmic impact event. In a striking contrast to the Grand Canyon’s protracted development, these lunar formations may have come into existence in a mere span of 10 minutes.

The two canyons, Vallis Schrödinger (left) and Vallis Planck (right), radiating from the Schrödinger crater. (NASA\SVS\Ernie T. Wright)

These remarkable canyons, extending 270 kilometers (168 miles) and plunging 2.7 kilometers deep for Vallis Schrödinger, alongside Vallis Planck at 280 kilometers long and 3.5 kilometers deep, are indeed formidable. While the Grand Canyon in Arizona spans a greater length at 446 kilometers, it pales in comparison to the lunar canyons in terms of depth.

Such impressive scarifications, termed ejecta rays, result from the violent expulsion of material during an impact event. Under the aegis of Dr. David Kring from the US Lunar and Planetary Institute, a diligent team sought to unravel the intricacies of these enormous lunar canyons’ formation. By amalgamating photographic observations of the Moon’s surface, the researchers created detailed maps elucidating the trajectory and distribution of ejecta produced by the monumental Schrödinger impact.

The Moon Has 'Grand Canyons', Too – And Their Formation Was Shockingly Violent
A comparison between the Grand Canyon (top) and Vallis Planck (bottom) at their deepest. (David A. Kring, Danielle P. Kallenborn, and Gareth S. Collins)

The investigation revealed an asymmetrical impact profile, with most ejecta emanating from the lunar south pole. The kinetic energy imparted to the materials that sculpted these canyons was prodigious, with velocities ranging from 0.95 to 1.28 kilometers per second. The impact’s energy is estimated to be approximately 130 times that of the entire world’s nuclear arsenal.

This pivotal research not only enhances our understanding of lunar geology but also bears significant implications for future exploration endeavors. The forthcoming Artemis III mission plans to survey the lunar far side, a region rich in geological history, with the landing site still to be definitively determined. However, prevailing models indicate minimal risk from impactful debris, as the Schrödinger impact is believed to have occurred approximately 3.8 billion years ago, during a period marked by frequent extraterrestrial bombardments.

These insights suggest that potential landing sites for Artemis III may provide unparalleled access to ancient lunar materials, thereby fostering more profound scientific discoveries. Anticipated for a launch in 2027, this mission stands to enrich our comprehension of the Moon’s geological and historical narratives, further emphasizing the significance of the lunar surface in the broader context of planetary science.

The findings have been published in Nature Communications.

Vocabulary List:

  1. Erosion /ɪˈroʊʒən/ (noun): The process by which earth or stone is worn away often by natural forces such as water or wind.
  2. Genesis /ˈdʒɛnəsɪs/ (noun): The origin or mode of formation of something.
  3. Colossal /kəˈlɑsəl/ (adjective): Extremely large or great; gigantic.
  4. Ejecta /ɪˈdʒɛk.tə/ (noun): Material that is expelled from a volcano or during an impact event.
  5. Prodigious /prəˈdɪdʒəs/ (adjective): Remarkably or impressively great in extent size or degree.
  6. Implications /ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃənz/ (noun): Consequences or effects that are likely to happen in the future.

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