A photo of tumor cells in a mouse’s brain won the Nikon Small World photography competition. This image shows delicate strands of protein called actin surrounding cells with tiny tubes and a nucleus. Photographer Bruno Cisterna Irrazabal from Augusta University took the photo to study neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Another entry features maroon fruiting bodies of slime molds, captured by Henri Koskinen at the University of Helsinki. A dainty net surrounds a clump of spores in this image.
Gerhard Vlcek photographed a cross-section of European beachgrass from Maria Enzersdorf, showing turquoise tubes that carry water and food.
Miniature scales from a Ulysses butterfly’s wings, taken by Daniel Knop in Germany, reveal the tiny details of these scales, each as small as 30 micrometers.
A green crab spider’s eight eyes were captured by Pawe? B?achowicz in Poland, showcasing the details of this tiny creature.
Marek Mi? photographed translucent water fleas in Poland at different stages of reproduction, one filled with embryos and the other with eggs.
David Maitland in the UK captured an image of a common bracken stem, showing vascular bundles forming an expressive smile.
Vocabulary List:
- Tumor /ˈtjuː.mər/ (noun): An abnormal mass of tissue that may be benign or malignant.
- Neurodegenerative /ˌnjʊər.oʊ.dɪˈdʒɛn.ər.ə.tɪv/ (adjective): Relating to the degeneration of nervous tissue.
- Translucent /trænˈsluː.sənt/ (adjective): Allowing light to pass through but not transparent.
- Vascular /ˈvæs.kjʊ.lər/ (adjective): Relating to the vessels that carry fluids in the body.
- Fruiting /ˈfruː.tɪŋ/ (adjective): Relating to the stage in which a plant produces fruits or spores.
- Microstructure /ˈmaɪ.kroʊ.strʌk.tʃər/ (noun): The small-scale structure of a material as observed under a microscope.