Sunday, February 16, 2025

Top 9 Protein Bars Recommended by Dietitians


The prevailing trend in 2024 is the high-protein diet, leading individuals to seek ingenious methods to boost protein intake and reach their objectives effortlessly. Dried beef sticks and protein powder are becoming ubiquitous snacks, with MyFitnessPal users in 2024 logging cottage cheese consumption 35% more frequently than in the previous year.

Moreover, protein bars are experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Sales exceeded $5 billion in 2023, and the market is anticipated to grow by 6.4% over the next seven years.

Amidst the extensive array of choices available, selecting a protein bar that truly aligns with your nutritional needs can be challenging. To aid in this selection process, registered dietitian Daisy Mercer offers her expert guidance on choosing the most suitable option for you. Continue reading for her expert shopping recommendations and top picks.

What Constitutes the Ideal Nutritional Profile for Protein Bars?

Mercer underscores two key factors to consider when choosing a protein bar: “Added sugar and, naturally, protein.” She recommends opting for bars with at least 10 grams of protein each.

Regarding sugar, Mercer explains, “The Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggest that added sugars should comprise less than 10% of your total daily caloric intake. For instance, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, this would amount to 50 grams of added sugar.” Therefore, scrutinize the sugar content in grams and assess its compatibility with your overall daily consumption.

Consulting with Mercer and other MyFitnessPal registered dietitians has yielded a comprehensive guide to several nutrient-rich protein bars tailored to diverse dietary preferences and restrictions. Whether you seek high fiber, low carb, or dairy-free options, our recommendations have you covered.

Vocabulary List:

  1. Ubiquitous /juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/ (adjective): Present appearing or found everywhere.
  2. Resurgence /rɪˈsɜːrdʒəns/ (noun): An increase or revival after a period of inactivity.
  3. Nutritional /nuːˈtrɪʃənl/ (adjective): Relating to the process of obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
  4. Caloric /kəˈlɔːrɪk/ (adjective): Relating to the amount of energy provided by food measured in calories.
  5. Scrutinize /ˈskruːtɪnaɪz/ (verb): To examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.
  6. Compatibility /kəmˌpætɪˈbɪləti/ (noun): The ability of two or more things to exist or work together without conflict.

How much do you know?

What is the prevailing trend in 2024 according to the text?
Low-carb diet
High-protein diet
Vegan diet
Intermittent fasting

What is becoming an ubiquitous snack among MyFitnessPal users in 2024?
Cottage cheese
Carrot sticks
Potato chips
Chocolate bars

How much did sales of protein bars exceed in 2023?
$1 billion
$3 billion
$5 billion
$8 billion

What does registered dietitian Daisy Mercer recommend as the minimum protein content for protein bars?
5 grams
10 grams
15 grams
20 grams

What percentage of daily caloric intake does the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend added sugars to be less than?

What does Mercer emphasize as the key factors to consider when choosing a protein bar?
Protein and fiber
Added sugar and protein
Calories and vitamins
Carbohydrates and fat

This question is required

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