A new study shows that Venus probably never had liquid water on its surface. The research looked at the gases in Venus’ atmosphere.
Scientists have thought for a long time that Venus might have had water, maybe even oceans. They believed this because Venus is similar to Earth in many ways. It is a rocky planet and is our closest neighbor in space.
However, this new study suggests that Venus has always been hot and dry. Researchers from the University of Cambridge in Britain led the study, which was published in the journal Nature Astronomy.
The researchers found no water inside Venus. They said that if there was once a lot of water, we should see some now. But they did not find any.
Water is important for life. So, this study suggests that Venus was likely never able to support life.
Tereza Constantinou, the main author of the study, said their findings help show that Venus is very dry inside today. She added that they hoped to find signs of a watery past, but did not.
Before this study, scientists had two main ideas about water on Venus. One idea was that Venus was once cooler and had liquid water. The second idea was that Venus has always been too hot for water to form.
This study is a big step in understanding Venus better.
Vocabulary List:
- Atmosphere /ˈætməsfɪr/ (noun): The layer of gases surrounding a planet.
- Research /ˈriːsɜːrtʃ/ (noun): The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources.
- Suggests /səɡˈdʒɛsts/ (verb): Put forward for consideration or action.
- Support /səˈpɔːrt/ (verb): To give assistance or backing to someone or something.
- Findings /ˈfaɪndɪŋz/ (noun): The results or conclusions drawn from research or investigation.
- Understanding /ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ/ (noun): The ability to comprehend or grasp the meaning of something.
How much do you know?
What is the main focus of the new study on Venus?
What characteristic of Venus led scientists to believe it might have had water?
Where was the study on Venus conducted?
What is the conclusion regarding Venus' ability to support life based on the study?
What was one of the main ideas scientists had about water on Venus before the new study?
Who was the main author of the study on Venus?
Venus has always been hot and dry according to the new study.
The research on Venus focused on analyzing its geological features.
Scientists previously believed that Venus had oceans like Earth.
The study suggests that Venus may have supported microbial life in the past.
Tereza Constantinou expressed disappointment at not finding evidence of a watery past on Venus.
The study on Venus challenges the notion that Venus has underground water sources.
The research on Venus was led by scientists from the University of Cambridge in .
According to the study, Venus is very inside today.
Tereza Constantinou highlighted that the absence of water on Venus suggests it was likely never able to support .
Researchers found no inside Venus during the study.
The study published in Nature Astronomy is considered a significant step in Venus better.
One of the main ideas scientists had prior to the study was that Venus might have once had .