The world’s tallest woman and the world’s shortest woman recently had a unique meeting in London to celebrate Guinness World Records Day. Rumeysa Gelgi, standing at 215.16 centimeters (7 feet 0.7 inches) tall, and Jyoti Amge, measuring just 62.8 centimeters (2 feet 0.7 inches), enjoyed afternoon tea at the Savoy Hotel. Despite their significant height difference of 152.36 centimeters (5 feet), the two women bonded over their shared interests in makeup, self-care, jewelry, and nail art.
Gelgi, a web designer from Turkey, holds the record for being the tallest woman alive in 2021 due to a rare condition called Weaver syndrome. On the other hand, Amge, an actress and media personality from India, has achondroplasia, a bone growth disorder affecting her arms and legs. Despite her small stature, Amge has made a big impact on social media and even appeared on the TV series “American Horror Story: Freak Show.” Both women have been recognized as GWR ICONS in the upcoming 2025 edition of the Guinness World Records book.
Meeting in London, Gelgi and Amge shared their unique perspectives on life, emphasizing the importance of celebrating differences. This meeting highlighted the beauty of diversity and the extraordinary achievements of individuals from all walks of life.
Vocabulary List:
- celebrate /ˈsɛlɪˌbreɪt/ (verb): To acknowledge with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.
- extraordinary /ɪkˈstrɔːrdənˌɛri/ (adjective): Very unusual or remarkable.
- diversity /daɪˈvɜːrsɪti/ (noun): The state of being diverse; variety.
- bonded /bɒndɪd/ (verb): To form a close connection or relationship.
- significant /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ (adjective): Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention.
- condition /kənˈdɪʃən/ (noun): The state of something especially regarding its quality or appearance.
How much do you know?
What height does Rumeysa Gelgi stand at?
What is the height difference between Rumeysa Gelgi and Jyoti Amge?
Which condition does Jyoti Amge have?
Where did Rumeysa Gelgi and Jyoti Amge have their meeting in London?
What is Rumeysa Gelgi's occupation?
Which TV series did Jyoti Amge appear in?
Rumeysa Gelgi is the tallest woman alive in 2021.
Jyoti Amge is from Turkey.
Both Rumeysa Gelgi and Jyoti Amge were recognized as GWR ICONS in the 2025 edition of the Guinness World Records book.
Jyoti Amge has achondroplasia, a bone growth disorder.
Rumeysa Gelgi has Weaver syndrome.
Rumeysa Gelgi and Jyoti Amge shared their unique perspectives on life in Paris.
Rumeysa Gelgi, the tallest woman alive in 2021, stands at centimeters.
Jyoti Amge, the world's shortest woman, measures just centimeters.
Gelgi holds the record for being the tallest woman alive in 2021 due to a rare condition called syndrome.
Amge has achieved recognition for her work, including appearing on the TV series "American Horror Story: ."
Rumeysa Gelgi is a web designer from .
Jyoti Amge has made a significant impact on social media despite her small stature due to her unique perspective on life in promoting .