Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Victoria’s Secret Throws Party at Penn Station!


Runway-ready fans on chilly Seventh Avenue.
Photo: Chantal Fernandez

On a chilly Tuesday evening, hundreds of excited fans gathered outside Penn Station, the busiest train station in the US, to watch the 2024 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show on giant screens across Seventh Avenue. The Empire State Building, illuminated in pink, provided a stunning backdrop for the event.

The diverse crowd included commuters, tourists, teens, and New Yorkers eager for freebies and an unforgettable experience. From posing with wings to sipping hot chocolate from a Pink truck, attendees indulged in various activities while eagerly awaiting the show.

Despite being declined entry due to her book about Victoria’s Secret’s history, the author found an alternative invite to a watch party at the “Penn District.” The lively atmosphere, complete with food stands and pink branding, set the stage for an exciting viewing experience.

As the show commenced, the audience was captivated by the models and performers on screen. While the format appeared more refined than previous shows, some longed for the nostalgia of earlier spectacles featuring iconic models from the past.

Following the event, enthusiastic fans from various backgrounds expressed their admiration for Victoria’s Secret and its influence on beauty standards and fashion trends. Despite differing opinions on the brand’s evolution, the allure of the show remained undeniable.

Vocabulary List:

  1. Gathered /ˈɡæð.ərd/ (verb): To come together or assemble often for a shared purpose.
  2. Illuminated /ɪˈluː.mɪ.neɪ.tɪd/ (verb): To light up or make something visible or bright.
  3. Spectacle /ˈspɛk.tə.kəl/ (noun): A visually striking performance or display.
  4. Eager /ˈiː.ɡər/ (adjective): Having a keen interest or desire to do something.
  5. Nostalgia /nɒˈstæl.dʒə/ (noun): A sentimental longing for the past typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
  6. Admiration /ˌæd.mɪˈreɪ.ʃən/ (noun): Respect and warm approval of someone or something.

How much do you know?

Where did the fans gather to watch the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show?
Penn Station
Empire State Building
Times Square
Central Park

What provided a stunning backdrop for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show event?
Empire State Building
Statue of Liberty
Brooklyn Bridge
Times Square

What activities did the attendees indulge in while eagerly awaiting the show?
Posing with wings
Sipping hot chocolate
Both A and B
Shopping at malls

What did some audience members long for during the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show?
Refined format
Alternative invite
Nostalgia of earlier spectacles
Exclusive merchandise

What did enthusiastic fans express admiration for despite differing opinions on the brand’s evolution?
Beauty standards
Fashion trends
Allure of the show
Victoria’s Secret history

Which iconic NYC landmark was illuminated in pink for the event backdrop?
Empire State Building
One World Trade Center
Chrysler Building
Rockefeller Center

The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show was watched on screens across Times Square.

The lively atmosphere at the watch party was devoid of any food stands.

All attendees at the event had read the author’s book about Victoria’s Secret’s history.

All fans expressed the same admiration for Victoria’s Secret and its influence on beauty standards and fashion trends.

The format of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show was more refined than previous shows according to all attendees.

The audience included only New Yorkers eager for freebies.

The 2024 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show took place outside Station.

The author was declined entry due to her book about Victoria’s Secret’s .

Some attendees sipped hot chocolate from a Pink .

The show captivated the audience with the models and performers on .

Despite the differing opinions, the allure of the show remained .

The diverse crowd included commuters, tourists, teens, and New Yorkers eager for .

This question is required

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